Sunday 11 September 2011

The pain caused by wisdom teeth how to do

Wisdom teeth mainly refers to about sixteen to twenty-year-old eruption of teeth in the mouth the end, because the other tooth position has been fixed, so often leads to later when wisdom teeth grow out of space, so, horizontal length, impacted wisdom teeth has become the most common form of wisdom. Resulting in a lot of oral problems, such as dental caries (commonly known as tooth decay), wisdom teeth pericoronitis, wisdom toothache, etc., gave rise to endless pain. Also, because the wisdom teeth grow in a unique position to daily cleaning is a big trouble, but also violations of adjacent teeth, causing toothache. And because the absence of teeth, wisdom teeth sometimes over-germination, but also affect the bite.
Wisdom from the beginning gave rise to the initiation of endless pain, if the following conditions, rabbits recommend removal of wisdom teeth as soon as possible, to never troubles:
A lack of space, the eruption of malposition, backward or horizontal long temporary teeth, such wisdom teeth wisdom teeth will not only cause severe toothache, but also as clean and convenient and particularly prone to cavities, endangering the health of adjacent Dental Artcles teeth, if bore too deep, or even need root canal treatment, we always recommend removal to prevent future trouble.
2 did not bite, people generally have four wisdom teeth, but usually only grow one or two, and this corresponds with occlusion of the other wisdom teeth do not grow, which resulted in the opposite wisdom teeth do not bite the corresponding , wisdom teeth can cause excessive germination, thereby affecting the bite.
3 impacted wisdom teeth, this is a headache for most dentists, and some wisdom teeth do not grow, but buried in the alveolar bone, the type of wisdom teeth often leads to wisdom teeth pericoronitis, midnight toothache and other symptoms, and In the removal, they also have great difficulty, first cut the mucosa, boneless, in order to remove, damage due to surgery greater after the reaction may also be more severe, surgery may lead to facial swelling. So after preparing to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers. So feel pain, or when there will be diagnosed when the lesion occurred, it must be quickly removed the.

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