Thursday 16 August 2012

What are the causes and treatment of yellow teeth?

Between friends and colleagues, bad teeth appear yellow, looks unsightly and dirty looks, which are the causes and treatment of yellow teeth? Because teeth yellowing of the many reasons, are generally divided into endogenous and exogenous in two ways:

Exogenous yellow teeth is due to the tooth surface with a variety of bacteria, they secrete sticky substances, diet tea dirt, smoke stains, and drinking water in certain minerals and people's saliva on the tooth surface mineral adsorption in these sticky substances on the formation of plaque and tartar, gradually make the teeth yellow or black.

Endogenous yellow teeth is formed in the process of tooth development, such as tetracycline deposition in the dentin makes the teeth become yellow, brown or dark gray, known as tetracycline; fluoride in drinking water too much may also lead to dental fluorosis, white teeth appear before startling color, brown patches; If the pulp is necrotic, the metabolites of the bacteria break down the pulp and dental instruments tooth dehydration also make the discoloration of the teeth.

Yellow teeth whitening, mainly from endogenous and exogenous treatment.

First. Endogenous yellow teeth: This is mainly there to dental fluorosis coloring Paste in. For this type of pigment teeth, is the need from the inside clean-up is starting. Some whitening methods there are:

1. IPL whitening: it high-intensity phototherapy designated irradiation, the procedure does not touch the gums, will not cause any damage. Not only can it remove the pigmentation of the surface of the teeth, and deep attachment of the pigment, its whitening effect is more lasting and effective.

2. America crown Whitening: America crown for all tooth shape and color: tooth malalignment, sparse teeth, crowded teeth alignment, severe tetracycline stained teeth, dental fluorosis, buck teeth, small teeth, tooth color ugly The early How much time filling fix color and form unsightly and want perfect teeth crowd.

Second. Exogenous yellow teeth: This is mainly because the patients with bad habits caused by the surface of the teeth coloring. Such as: recurrent drinking coffee, eating deep pigment of food. These may lead to yellow teeth. Yellow teeth treatment for this type of exogenous, the easiest way is to conduct a formal treatment of the scaling, pigmentation of the surface of the tooth removed. Frequently used methods in addition to the above several ultrasonic scaling, tooth veneers. These are able to effectively remove or block pigment, instant white teeth.

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