Now more and more attention to the health
of the teeth, and hope that the dental healths, especially the young mother
care deciduous know important. Deciduous teeth relatively low degree of
calcification easy carious Once caries, will not only affect chewing function
in children, caused by the digestion and absorption barriers also cause adverse
impact on pediatric mandibular dentition and body development. Be seen in daily
life, the importance of good teeth care.
The age of 2 and a half ago, the ADL, the
care of primary teeth in children by parents completed should be done:
After each feeding milk should be fed a few
mouthfuls of boiled water to rinse the mouth; Note breastfeeding posture to
prevent dental abnormalities; should not eat too much food with sugar; if
necessary, children at bedtime, parents can wear special fingerstall brush to dental instruments clean your teeth in children; attention to the absorption of nutrients,
increase fruits, vegetables and other food supplement more outdoor activities and
sunbathing at the appropriate time.
After two and a half years old, you should
cultivate in children the habit of morning and evening brushing; brush your
teeth at least three minutes, and with vertical brush approach. As long as the
parents are good brushing habits, children will imitate, to attract children,
special children's toothpaste and toothbrush, be careful not to let children
swallowing fluoride toothpaste.
To regular dental check-ups, the best
professional dentist every six months to Five steps to successful dental implant check again, early detection of dental
problems. Caries early discomfort, the repair process is relatively simple,
easily accepted by children. Severe caries, pain patch process; it is difficult
to obtain the cooperation of the child.
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