Sunday 6 November 2011

Children must be to protect the teeth

Teeth with chewing, pronunciation, expression and other functions, the vital organs of the body. Healthy teeth is directly related to the development of the body. Therefore, protecting children's teeth is important.

1. Conducive to the growth and development in children

Childhood is a period of strong growth and healthy teeth help digestion and nutrient absorption, is conducive to the growth of the body (often toothache children eat less food, eat slowly, and grow thin; no toothache children eat wolf, able-bodied). Normal teeth can play a good chewing function, with a good jaw function to stimulate and help the normal development of the jaw.

2. Conducive to the normal eruption of permanent teeth and the formation of normal permanent dentition

Teeth out of the existence of a succession of permanent teeth eruption reserved space, premature loss of deciduous teeth, the shifting dental supplies of adjacent teeth Medical Education | education network collected, when the eruption of permanent teeth is not enough space, leading to permanent tooth malalignment.

3. Pronounced in favor of children and normal mental

Therefore, protecting the teeth, especially children's teeth is very important. Those that want to change anyway, deciduous, the idea is bad does not matter very wrong.

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