Monday 19 March 2012

Daily oral care of the children

Brush teeth

Plaque is a layer of soft, with a sticky bacterial film formed on the teeth every day. We need to remove plaque every day to prevent tooth decay and gum problems. The study pointed out that daily brushing attained during brushing can reduce the chance of tooth decay, bedtime brushing is especially important. Children to replace the toothbrush every three months would be more effective in removing plaque.

We should encourage the children to brush your teeth, but because of the children to 8, 9 years of age, in order to properly coordinate the correct brushing action, so the parents or their caregivers, every day at least once to help them to brush their teeth thoroughly.


Dental lives all need fluoride protection against tooth decay. Twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, has been confirmed that one of the most effective method of preventing tooth decay. Fluoride to the teeth more resistant to acid in the diet, and replenish the loss of dental instruments the teeth, so that the restoration of early tooth decay.

Many children under six, easy to swallow too much toothpaste, and not spit it out, so they need to contain less fluoride toothpaste such as Colgate children's toothpaste. The age of six, they can use fluoride toothpaste more. The children use the toothpaste weight, just as the size of a soybean. All toothpaste should be stored in a place where children can not be touched.

Tooth line

The toothbrush can not completely remove plaque and food debris between the tooth gaps, you can use dental floss to remove. Parents in children's teeth growth closely, you should begin to help the children to use dental floss.

It is not easy for others to use dental floss! Ask the dentist specific method is indeed the best policy. When the children grow up, you can use dental floss without the need of others to help.

Observed to check

The best parents regularly to view the child's mouth. Gently opened the lips of the children to observe the surface of the teeth near the gingival margin, especially in the upper row of teeth. If you find white spots, is likely to be a harbinger of early tooth decay, and the need to consult the dentist's professional advice.

Diet on dental health

A child eating patterns and the type of diet is equally important. If the children continue to eat and drink often also increase the chance of tooth decay. The saliva is a natural barrier of the human body to deal with tooth decay, to supplement the minerals of the teeth, and take away the Beauty crown to help you solve the genetic pigment teeth acid in the mouth. To let saliva have enough time to take effect, you must limit the number of children eating every day, usually three meals a main meal and two meals snacks.

Healthy eating tips:

Encourage healthy snacks, such as dairy products, fruit, vegetables, etc., to reduce high-sugar snacks; placing healthy snacks in easy to pick up of children; limit drinking acidic drinks such as cola, sports drinks, fresh juices and juice drinks - Do not sip a long time, and to limit drinking the number of drinking water.

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