Tuesday 19 July 2011

Clean teeth more often, will damage the teeth it?

Scaling is the use of an ultrasonic apparatus, through a tip as the pen-shaped device like a slight vibration in the surface of the teeth, dental calculus, under vibration, smoke spot, tea stains on teeth, there is no harm. After scaling, can prevent periodontitis and tooth surface stain can be removed to achieve cosmetic dental results.

Many people want to clean teeth cleaning teeth, they fear will damage oral health, will now ask Chengdu Medical Dental Liu Yulin, director of the United States to tell you about good clean teeth, clean your teeth right long.

Scaling is, how scaling?

Liu Yulin, director, said: scaling is the use of an ultrasonic apparatus, through a tip as the pen-shaped device like a slight vibration in the surface of the teeth, dental calculus, under Dental Artcles vibration, smoke spot, tea stains on teeth is no harm . After scaling, can prevent periodontitis and tooth surface stain can be removed to achieve cosmetic dental results.

Scaling has been very popular in big cities a

In developed countries, scaling has become a very popular routine oral health, people or twice a year to their dentist for regular cleanings. Scaling, if you find periodontal disease, oral dental professional treatment would be timely in order to maintain oral health.

Professional dental scaling must go to the hospital to wash

Scaling is a highly professional technical work, hospital medical staff in the oral apparatus with manual scaling, take about three hours, is the use of ultrasonic scaler, scaling, also need an hour or so. According to reflect patients in some dental clinics and beauty salons in the scaling, just 10 minutes.

Practice has proved that scaling in the informal areas, there is great harm. First, clear only the visible tartar, while leaving the underlying pathogenic role in most of tartar, periodontal disease prevention and treatment reach the goal. Second, the damage to the gums, especially for exposed root after removal of tartar can not be timely for further professional treatment, patients not only lead to pain, but also aggravate periodontal disease. Third, can easily cause cross-infection, gave rise to undue regret. Therefore, the scaling of the places to be carefully chosen, should go to regular hospital to find highly trained medical staff to serve your scaling.

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