Saturday 9 July 2011

People how to play a role in the incidence of dental caries?

Host is the body's own, is the different level of the individual's susceptibility to dental caries. Host of the sensitivity of caries related to various factors, such as tooth position, shape and structure of salivary flow rate, flow rate and composition, the body's general condition and so on.

Tooth position, shape, structure and occurrence of dental caries. Only until after the eruption of teeth caries. Eruption of the teeth just poor level of calcification on its surface, there are many porous and vulnerable to acid erosion, so prone to dental caries. If the arrangement Dental Artcles of teeth missing, crowded teeth Gully Wowo at their prone to dental caries. Hypoplasia and dental defects such as incomplete calcification is also conducive to the occurrence of dental caries.

The role of saliva have clean teeth, saliva, some of the ingredients for the occurrence of dental caries can play a certain extent. Such as saliva calcium and phosphate ions so that after the eruption of the teeth of further mineralization and enhance capacity of anti-caries teeth. Another example of fluoride in saliva, the structure of enamel can be more stable, so that enhanced acid resistance of enamel, enamel solubility decreased, thereby enhancing its anti-caries capacity. Saliva flow will help remove the tooth surface carbohydrates, thereby reducing the incidence of dental caries. Saliva flow rate drops, slowing the removal of sugar, teeth susceptible to dental caries.

In addition, the host nutritional status, endocrine function, genetic factors for the occurrence of dental caries have a certain impact. Such as host nutrition, endocrine disorders or people with certain genetic diseases, increased susceptibility to dental caries teeth. There is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disease called hereditary fructose tolerance hypothyroidism, congenital fructose is due to metabolic disorders. Disease patients can not tolerate fructose and sucrose, it is necessary to avoid the intake of fructose and sucrose. These patients rarely suffer from dental caries, or no dental caries.

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